Achieve Your Child Custody Goals
The decisions you and your spouse make regarding the future of your children are very important. Regardless of how most people feel about their former spouse, they want to do whatever is in the best interests of their children.
Unfortunately, we have seen too many parents lose sight of this fact and view custody as a way to hurt their spouse or as a key to financial gain. Whatever your situation, experienced Massachusetts child custody and visitation lawyer Alan J. Pransky will work hard to help you achieve your goals. Attorney Pransky has more than 30 years of legal experience and provides each client with a feeling of confidence as he or she prepares for the future.
Contact attorney Pransky’s law office online today, or call 781-613-8809, and schedule your free consultation.
We accept clients under the Limited Assistance Representation program (LAR).
Preserving The Choices You Made In Marriage
During the divorce, the courts will often preserve the choices you made as a couple. If you have made a choice regarding which parent would be the primary caregiver during the marriage, the court will generally preserve that choice when deciding custody issues. If an agreement cannot be reached, courts will look at several factors before awarding custody of a child, including:
- Parental relocation or moving out of state
- The mental and physical health of the child and parents
- The ability of a parent to provide for the child
- Any affects on the child’s education or activities
- The child’s established living pattern
- The child’s preference (assuming the capacity to articulate it)
- Other factors specific to your situation
At the law offices of Alan J. Pransky, we can guide you through this difficult process while keeping the focus on your children’s best interests. We encourage our clients to look at the situation realistically. Being the noncustodial parent has drawbacks.
Focusing On Your Children’s Future
One of the most important things you can do for your children during a child custody matter is to keep their future in mind. The choices you make now will affect your child’s life. It is important that parents reach an amicable decision that will allow both of them to be involved in their child’s life. It is our goal to reach an agreement without acrimony, where both parents can feel comfortable attending their child’s birthday parties, graduation and wedding.
It is important to ask yourself, “Can I be there for my kids?” It is also important to understand that the realities of your life may not allow you to devote enough time to raising your children. If this is the case, you must make the proper choices so that you can provide a stable environment for your children.
Additionally, if your situation has substantially changed, Alan J. Pransky can help you obtain a child custody modification and revisit your original custody arrangement.
Contact A Dedham Child Custody And Visitation Rights Attorney
If you are involved in a child custody matter, you need a compassionate lawyer who cares about the future of your children. Please contact the law offices of Alan J. Pransky for a free initial consultation.
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